Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday received Bhutan's highest civilian award, the 'Order of the Druk Gyalpo', making him the first foreign Head of the Government to receive the honour.
In a 45-minute Twitter conference today, Sam Pitroda, advisor to the prime minister on public information infrastructure (PII) and innovations, stuck to elaborating publicly-known details on PII and the National Knowledge Network (NKN).
Education sector on Monday got a 24 per cent hike in budgetary allocation for the next fiscal at Rs 52,057 crore (Rs 520.57 billion) to take forward ambitious programmes like universalising secondary education and increasing enrolment ratio in higher education.
A meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved the establishment of the National Knowledge Network at an outlay of Rs 5,990 crore (Rs 59.90 billion) to be implemented by the National Informatics Centre over a period of 10 years, an official spokesperson said.
The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, today accorded in principle approval for the establishment of the National Knowledge Network, which will be implemented by the National Informatics Centre.